Trip Memancing dan Santai BBQ di Lubuk Kawah.

Trip Memancing dan Santai BBQ di Lubuk Kawah.

Antara XTVT

- Mandi Manda
- Memancing - Joran alami disediakan
- BBQ dan suai kenal ahli across

Fees include:-
Ration for 2 days 1 night
Camping equipment such as Tent, Cooking Equipment, Life jacket, Groundsheet, Certificate, Insurance, etc.
Transportation: Car-Pool/Own

* What you need to bring? Please bring your own personal eating utensil, headlamp/torchlight, sleepingbag (if u have), toilettries, and other personal neccessary things that you think you want to bring. Leave a bit space in your backpack/haversack to bring "ration".

RM60.00/only (student special rate RM50)
Interested? Call 0172041213 ( Along ) 0137004770 (Mus) or 0162525848 (Am) for more information.

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