XPDC Gunung Berembun & Chemerong Waterfall

Our Campsite Out There!!
One of the highest waterfall in Malaysia 1000 ft ++

Come On buddy pack ur Gear!! its Adventure Time!!
Salam To all across members.
Trip to Gunung Berembun ( 3405 ft/1000m++) & Chemerong Waterfall ( one of highest waterfall in Malaysia 1000ft )
3 - 4 hours from K.L To Bandar Muktafibillah Shah Dungun
Pada 27 Mei - Bertolak jam 9.00 Malam
Hingga 30 Mei - 2 ptg - Kembali Ke K.L

Difficulties : intermediate level
Waterfall 5 Star, Campsite tepi sungai
Flora dan Fauna yang banyak
its a heaven for photographer
Pemancing tegar boleh try mancing..
Nice Campsite
Nice Sunset

Hiking To Mount Berembun
Mandi manda dan santai di air terjun chemerong dan langsir falls.
Fishing Session.

Trip cost
RM 75.00
Student 70.00
Booking Fees RM 50.00

Meals & drinks, Insurance, certificate, guide, Camping Equipment ( Tent, Lantern, Stove as usual )

Payment :

Acc No - Altitude : 562263015558 - Maybank Bhd

Limited to 30 Pax only
Contact/sms : Along - 0172041213 ( Coordinator )

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